
a poem

image made by the author

I know with certainty I’m invincible
I hold a whole visual world in my body
for now it’s invisible but that is fixable
all of me moves with fervency
Because all that I see will soon flee

There is no room to be cynical
I’m a cracked bottle of perfume
letting the scent bloom
all of these intense fumes will leek
till I’m left in the gloom

I’m the greatest I can be
Unlike anyone you’ll ever meet
I’ll come into your life like a treat
Not to be egotistical it’s just factual
I’m so supernatural I’ll make you overheat

For now the fragrance might be too strong
Don’t you worry because it will be gone
Next time this space might be vacant
I thank you for being patient and helping me on
So I won’t end up like the movie Black Swan



Sofia da Ponte

Young artist and writer. I mainly write poetry. IG: @daponte.sofia